Tuesday 5 May 2015

India, Iran agreed to build a new port

New Delhi: India's agreement with Iran any kind of warning to the Central Asian countries of India, to access the new port construction project with Iran have agreed.

— اے ایف پی فائل فوٹو

However, Iran, India and Pakistan in 2003 and called Baluchistan, near Iran's border ports of agreed sanctions on Iran by the West after the project could not be further processed.

From China to Pakistan for development and provided electricity to 46 billion after the recent agreements trade agreements with India, Iran and other Gulf states have expressed their desire.

Reuters India's foreign ministry sources quoted shipping minister Nitin Gadkari to the shipping port of Baluchistan of Iran to sign the MoU will one day visit.

India's recent trade, energy and development projects agreements have a delegation visited Iran.
However, sources say that India does not want to waste this opportunity and will soon start work quickly.

Meanwhile, sources in the Ministry of Commerce of India, Iran, India free trade agreement have expressed the desire to.

Iran and India trade agreement in 2012 between the two countries since the trade has doubled.

Operation is non-political against criminals, Army Chief

Islamabad: Army Chief said the operation against terrorists and criminals and miscreants against non-political and peace in the country is being focused on.

کور کمانڈر کانفرنس — فوٹو بشکریہ آئی ایس پی آر

Rawalpindi General Head Quarters (GHQ) of the Pakistan Army's corps commanders conference Sharif said while presiding over the nation during the operation with the support of the terrorists has been damaged.

ISPR statement issued by the Corps Commanders' Conference in the Indian spy agency RAW in Pakistan "terrorism enhancement" I took serious notice of alleged involvement.
During the conference, the professional affairs, development and operation of domestic and external security situation was reviewed.

Army said isolate terrorist hideouts in FATA targets will continue.
He directed the concerned authorities in the country's urban areas, criminals, terrorists and their auxiliary vehicles on the basis of intelligence operations would be intensified.

The army said that terrorism has become Pakistan's national commitment and sacrifices of soldiers and civilians will not go in vain.
He added: "We give a logical end to this war, your country's commitment to protect and respect civilians and the brave armed forces of the country will at all costs".

Ask details of Saulat Mirza's Case

Karachi: The Sindh High Court Chief Justice Faisal Arab death row Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), a former worker sult Mirza has sought details of the cases.

سزائے موت کے منتظرصولت مرزا ۔ ڈان نیوز اسکرین گریب۔

According to Quick Updates, Chief Justice Sindh High Court waterman sult mrzaky death after receiving a letter from a member of the inspection team that the details of their cases by lower courts to be achieved.
Chief Justice has sought details of the two cases which have been sentenced Mirza sult.

Mirza sult in a letter addressed to the Chief Justice to implement his sentence and was seeking to protect their families.

Counter-terrorism during the last days sult Mirza third death warrant was issued according to which the death penalty may be imported amdl.

Ram's birthplace not in Ayodhya, is in Pakistan '

Hydrabaddkn: All India Muslim Personal Law Board member Abdul Rahim Qureshi said Pakistan is not in Ayodhya the birthplace of Rama.

بابری مسجد جسے انتہا پسند ہندوؤں نے رام کی جنم بھومی قرار دے کر مسمار کردیا تھا۔ —. فائل فوٹﷺ

He described it in his book 'Ayodhya dispute' Speaking at the launching ceremony.

The alliance of the Brotherhood Owaisi Assad said the BJP government in the Babri Masjid demolition case has been clouded hope of justice.

Abdul Rahim Qureshi said in his book The archaeologist added jasu research papers of RAM, which was the birthplace of Rama in Ayodhya that is not.

He was born in Ram Dairy, the dairy Rehman Pakistan, its name was changed.
Abdul Rahim Qureshi said Harappa probably be in the birthplace of Rama, which is located in Pakistan.

He claimed that until now has been excavated three times in Ayodhya, but yet there is no evidence of RAM. Jesus said that a civilization many centuries ago in Ayodhya signs are not met.
It is the birthplace of Rama, calling Babri mosque by Hindu extremists in 1992 was demolished.

LK Advani of the Bharatiya Janata Party-led organizations hardline Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena had launched a movement to build the Ram temple.

Cooking: friend or foe?

Cooking mother or grandmother's name itself in the form of mind is wandering, wrapped in a scarf from the back of a tablespoon ghee tin with a picture of a cow out on our prathun daltyn, and the room is filled with the smell of cooking.

جب سے ویجیٹیبل آئل اور مارجرین متعارف ہوئے ہیں، گھی کو مشکوک نظروں سے دیکھا جانے لگا ہے۔ — Creative Commons

If the past few years in Pakistan is seen suspicious of butter, but out of Pakistan, supposedly to cook a healthy meal in Canada, as is known. Cooking healthy food is available in small bottles in specialized stores.St. Francis organic butter 370 grams of butter jar or $ 29.99 is available at Rs 2535. The first time I saw this price at a Canadian store, my eyes stare surprise were killed.
But wait. Healthy thing? What do health food? This increases the weight? We all healthy oils, such as vegetable oil should be used?

As a nutritionist, but I am sure that you answer all the questions 'no' is.

Inaugurated the country's first solar energy project

Bahawalpur: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif city of Bahawalpur in Punjab province, the country's first one megawatt solar energy project is launched.

وزیراعظم نے تختی کی نقاب کشائی کرکے منصوبے کا افتتاح کیا—۔ڈان نیوز اسکرین گریب

Congress established the first solar park in the first phase of the project will be 100 MW grid stations and power transmission lines will be added to the national grid.

In the second phase of the project will be 900 megawatts of electricity.
Four millions solar panel have been installed in the park, with its 132 KV grid station has been established. Fifteen billion cost of completing the project in May 2014 the foundation stone was laid by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the project was completed in eleven months. Bore all the costs of the project are the government.

"To bring the lights, put his hand on big projects"

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Prime Minister said that in 2017 -2018 outages will be eliminated.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that his government to bring the lights and laid hands on large projects is expected to generate electricity in the country has become.
They prefer to erase the dark of Pakistan, calling in the price of electricity in the country has been reduced by Rs 5 79 money.

The first solar power project in Bahawalpur told about a year ago there were only a heap of mud and sand, but we laid the foundation stone of the project solar energy and solar panels today Arah sea view...

Iran 'vicious Hair style' ban

TEHRAN: Iran said that non-traditional forms of hair and pointy officials banned them because the devil has given the impression of prstar'huny.

۔ — فائل فوٹو

In recent years, Iran every class of young, innovative and different hair styles are very famous pointy. However, the West and the Islamic concept of fashion while opinion is divided on this.

Hjamun Iran's ISNA news agency reported, citing the union's president, Mustafa testified that, based on the worship of devils Hair Styles has been banned.
The next such heroes to style Islamic laws will be considered and took action against the hjamun their licenses will be canceled.

ISNA report and further build upon the body of the guys getting grassroot eyebrows trend will not be tolerated.
Mustafa blamed unlicensed hjamun implies that the 'non-licensed barber usually do this job. All of them have been identified and action would be taken soon.

The union that represents hjamun men from the women's organization hjamun O pin

Monday 4 May 2015

Kot Diji Fort: A majestic castle symbol Talpur

سینکڑوں سال پہلے سندھ کے ایک صحرا کے کنارے پر تالپور خاندان نے ایک پہاڑی کی چوٹی پر شاہانہ قلعہ تعمیر کیا۔ اس شاندار قلعے کو ضلع خیر پور کے قصبے کوٹ ڈیجی میں تعمیر کیا گیا اور یہ کوٹ ڈیجی قلعہ کے نام سے مقبول ہوا جس کی تعمیر 1785 سے 1795 کے درمیان ہوئی۔
قومی شاہراہ کے راستے ضلع خیر پور کی جانب ڈرائیونگ کرتے ہوئے اس قلعے کو نظر انداز کرنا بہت مشکل ہوتا ہے جو کہ آسمان کو چھوتا ہوا محسوس ہوتا ہے۔
ہمیں اپنا جوش اور حیرت اب بھی یاد ہے جب ہم نے اس عظیم الشان عمارت کو دیکھا اور ہم اس کو قریب سے دیکھنے کے لیے بے تاب ہوگئے تاکہ اسے صحیح طریقے سے دریافت کیا جاسکے۔
کراچی سے ضلع خیر پور پہنچنے میں لگ بھگ آٹھ گھنٹے لگ جاتے ہیں، وہاں جانے کے دوران ہم نے چائے اور کھانے کے لیے مختصر وقفے بھی کیے اور جب ہم کوٹ ڈیجی قلعے پر پہنچے تو ہمیں اندازہ ہوا کہ ہمارے پاس اس مقام کو چھاننے کے لیے بہت کم وقت ہے اور ہم کافی تیزی سے وہاں پہنچے کیونکہ سورج غروب ہونے والا تھا اور اس وجہ سے ہمارے پاس تصاویر لینے کے لیے بہت کم وقت تھا۔
جب داخلی دروازے کے پاس ہم گاڑی سے نکلے تو ہم نے دیکھا کہ اس مقام پر ایک کیفے ٹیریا بھی تھا جہاں ہاتھ سے تیار کردہ روایتی سندھی اشیاءسجی ہوئی تھیں۔
یہ بہادر صدیقہ صلاح الدین کا ' خزانہ' تھا جو کہ انڈس ریسورس سینٹر (آئی آر سی) کی ایک شاخ ہے۔ خزانہ نے مقامی خواتین کو ملازمت دے کر متعدد دستکاروں کو سجا رکھا تھا،یہاں میزپوش، رلیاں، کوسٹرز اور برتن سمیت دیگر اشیاءبرائے فروخت تھیں۔ ہم نے ان کا جلدی میں جائزہ لیا اور قلعے کی جانب بڑھے۔
اس سے قبل ہم نے کوٹ ڈیجی قلعے کے بارے میں صرف سنا تھا اور آن لائن تصاویر دیکھی تھیں مگر کوئی بھی تصویر اس عجوبے کی خوبصورتی کے ساتھ انصاف نہیں کرسکتی۔
تاریخ بتاتی ہے کہ یہ قلعہ اہم اسٹرٹیجک مقام پر تعمیر کیا جو مشرق سے پیشقدمی کرنے والے دشمنوں کے خلاف ڈھال کا کردار ادا کرتا تھا، کسی تھکی ہاری فوج کو پانی کی تلاش کے لیے زرخیر زمینوں کی طرف بڑھنے سے پہلے یہاں مدافعت کا سامنا ہوتا تھا۔
اس قلعے کو تالپور خاندان نے تین حصوں میں تقسیم کر رکھا تھا، ایک حصہ حیدرآباد کے میر خاندان کے زیرتحت تھا، دوسرا حصہ خیرپور کے تالپور حکمرانوں جبکہ خیرپور میرس کا تالپور خاندان تیسرے حصے کا کنٹرول سنبھالے ہوئے تھا۔
تاریخ بیان کرتی ہے کہ خیرپور میرس کے پہلے تالپور حکمران میر سہراب خان (بالائی سندھ کی سلطنت کے بانی) نے اپنے دور حکومت کے دوران سرحدوں کی حفاظت کے لیے متعدد قلعے تعمیر کروائے۔ ان کے نام سے متعدد قلعے منسوب ہیں جیسے تھر کے خطے میں امام گڑھ، جودھ پور کی جانب شاہ گڑھ اور ڈیجی میں احمد آباد وغیرہ۔
اس قلعے کا مشرق کی جانب مرکزی داخلی دروازہ ایک ہی ہے جو کہ حملہ آور دشمن سے تحفظ فراہم کرتا تھا۔ یہ دروازہ جو شاہی دروازے کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے درحقیقت انجنئیرنگ کا کمال ہے۔
اس جگہ کی مزید حفاظت کے لیے دو برج تعمیر کیے گئے تھے جو قلعے کو فتح کرنے کے عزم کے ساتھ پیشقدمی کرنے والی فوج کے لیے کسی ٹریپ کا کام کرتے تھے۔ ان برجوں تک رسائی مشرق سے ہی ممکن ہے جبکہ آہنی کیلوں سے سجے لکڑی کے دروازے شمالی دیوار کے مغربی کونے میں موجود ہیں۔
یہ آہنی مخیں اس بات کو یقینی بناتی تھیں کہ جنگی دستے یا ہاتھی ان لکڑی کے دروازوں کو توڑ کر اندر نہ داخل ہوسکیں اور اپنی پوری تاریخ میں اس قلعے پر کبھی حملہ نہیں ہوا۔
کوٹ ڈیجی قلعے کی تعمیر چونے کے پتھروں اور مقامی ساختہ اینٹوں کی مدد سے ہوئی۔
جس پہاڑی پر یہ قلعہ تعمیر ہوا اس کی لمبائی ایک سو دس فٹ ہے جس کے اوپر قلعے کی دیواریں مزید تیس فٹ بلند ہیں، اس کے علاوہ یہاں اسٹرٹیجک لحاظ سے اہم تین ٹاور بھی ہیں جن کی بلندی پچاس فٹ کے لگ بھگ ہے۔
یہ قلعہ اس زمانے میں تعمیر ہوا تھا جب توپیں عام ہوچکی تھیں، جس کا اندازہ اس کے ڈیزائن اور پوزیشن سے بھی ہوتا ہے۔ یہاں توپوں کے لیے متعدد اسٹیشنز موجود ہیں اور چونکہ یہ عمارت ایک تنگ راستے پر بلندی پر واقع تھا اس لیے دشمن کی توپوں کو طویل فاصلے کے باعث زیادہ مدد نہیں ملتی ہوگی۔
توپوں کے گولے یا تو پہاڑی سے ٹکرا جاتے ہوگے یا فضاءمیں قلعے سے بھی اوپر بلند ہوکر واپس پہاڑی کی دوسری جانب دشمن کی اپنی فوج پر ہی جاگرتے ہوں گے۔
علاوہ ازیں شاہی دروازے سے داخلے کے علاوہ بھی اس میں تین چھوٹے خفیہ راستے موجود ہیں جو ہنگامی حالات میں استعمال کیے جاتے تھے۔
شاہی دروازے سے گزر کر ہم لم ایک چھوٹے نیم بیضوی کھلے حصے میں پہنچے جس کے تینوں اطراف اونیچ دیواریں تھیں جو کہ مرکزی قلعے تک چڑھائی کے ذریعے رسائی فراہم کرتی ہیں۔
دوسرے دروازے سے گزر کر ہم ایک سرنگ جیسے راستے سے گزر کر اوپر کی جانب تیسرے دروازے سے گزر کر بڑھے، قلعے کا مرکزی حصہ اس مقام کے پیچھے واقع ہے۔
یہ فوجی قلعہ اس چیز کو مدنظر رکھ کر ڈیزائن اور مکمل طور پر تیار کیا گیا تھا کہ یہ دفاع اور ضرورت پڑنے پر حملے کے لیے استعمال کیا جاسکے جبکہ اس کے برجوں پر گھر، ٹاورز، اسلحے کا ڈپو، پانی کا ذخیرہ، میروں کا حرم، ایک جیل، عدالت کے لیے ایک مقام اور بیرکس وغیرہ محافظوں اور سپاہیوں کو رہائشی سہولیات فراہم کرتی تھیں۔
قلعے کے برج توپوں کو چوٹی پر لے جانے کے لیے بھی استعمال ہوتے تھے، یہ توپیں مختلف حجم کی ہوتی تھیں مگر چونکہ ہر برج پر مناسب جگہ موجود تھی اس لیے انہیں مختلف سمتوں پر تعینات کیا جاسکتا تھا۔
کچھ برجوں کو شناخت دینے کے لیے نام بھی دیئے تھے جیسے ایک برج فتح ٹھل کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے جو کہ تیسرے دروازے سے ملحق ہے ۔
دیگر برجوں کو شفان شفاءاور ملک میدان برج کے نام دیئے گئے جو کہ مغربی سمت میں واقع ہیں۔
دو توپیں شفان شفاءاور ملک میدان یہاں تعینات کی جاتی تھیں، شہید بادشاہ نامی برج قلعے کے شمال مغربی سمت میں واقع ہے۔ اس برج کے نشیب میں ایک شہید بادشاہ کا مزار ہے۔
ایک اور برج جو مشرقی کونے کی جانے لے جاتا ہے اور جس کا منہ صحرا میں جیسلمیر کی جانب ہے، اسے جیسلمیر ٹھل کہا جاتا ہے۔
ایک اور برج کا نام مریم ٹھل ہے جہاں مریم نامی توپ ہوتی تھی جسے اب خیرپور شہر میں قومی شاہراہ کی کراسنگ پر رکھا گیا ہے۔
قلعے کی فصیل میں گیلریوں کی شکل کے کمرے ہیں، جن کی غلام گردشیں ان وزراءسے بھری ہوتی ہوں گی جو شاہی خاندان کا استقبال کرتے ہوں گے۔
یہاں ایک تالاب بھی ہے جو کہ پینے کا پانی ذخیرہ کرنے کے لیے استعمال ہوتا تھا، یہ تالاب 3.75 میٹر گہرا اور گیارہ میٹر لمبا ہے جبکہ اس کی چوڑائی سات میٹر سے کچھ کم ہے۔
تیسرے دروازے کے بالکل سامنے غلام گردشوں سے ملحقہ چھتوں سے محروم کچھ کمرے ہیں جو کہ اسلحہ خانے کے طور پر استعمال ہوتے تھے جنھیں مقامی طور پر بارود خانوں بھی کہا جاتا تھا۔
میر سہراب خان نے اس قلعے کو اپنی موت سے کچھ سال قبل رہائش کے لیے تیار کروایا تھا مگر جلد ہی اختیارات اپنے بیٹے کے حوالے کردیئے۔
جنوری 1843 میں برطانوی افواج نے بھی اس وقت یہاں قیام کیا جب چارلس نیپیئر اپنی فوج کو لے کر امام گڑھ کو فتح کرنے نکلا تھا۔
اگر آپ لوگ کبھی خیرپور جانے کا منصوبہ بنائے تو اس بات کو یقینی بنائیں کہ اپنا پہلا قیام اس قلعے میں کریں اور اگر آپ سندھ میں ہی رہتے ہیں تو زندگی میں کم از کم ایک بار ضرور اس قلعے کو دریافت کریں۔

Reko Diq new tender , indicating foreign experts to set

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch has said that legal experts have suggested that the new tender for Reko Diq foreign experts to be appointed, the agreement could benefit more from the province.

بلوچستان میں سونے اور کاپر ذخائر سے مالا مال ریکوڈک کا پہاڑی علاقہ — رائٹرز فائل فوٹو

Chief Minister said that "this time we want to contract a different way.

The Tethyan Copper Company (TCC) after the withdrawal of Reko Diq lease will announce a new tender.

Dr Abdul Malik Baloch said that all things are at an early stage and no final decision has been made in this regard.

He put the opposition strongly denied the allegations, stating that the provincial government to TCC to tender for the project was commissioned to millions.

They say nothing about Reko Diq project will run and not a compromise and agreed that it shall be submitted for approval to the provincial assembly.

Malik said the legal team of experts from the TCC Reko Diq out of court settlement before issuing new tender is advised.

Reko Diq project in Balochistan Assembly Hall briefing conference which was held in Reko Diq case of members of the Assembly including Minister Ahmer Bilal Sufi advocate legal advisor informed the participants about the case.

Advocate Ahmer Bilal Sufi says great strides have been Reko Diq case.

The International Court of Justice on behalf of the international company rejected two petitions filed against us which is a good thing.

Dera Ghazi Khan attacked the school, killing guard

Islamabad: Unknown gunmen on Monday attacked a school in Dera Ghazi Khan, causing school janitor was killed.
۔فائل فوٹو۔

According to police, the incident at the Government High School teachers and students remained safe guard was killed.

District police chief Rahmatullah Khan told Reuters that we still do not know how many there are and how many gunmen were involved in the incident, but police operation is being.
Last December, the Taliban attacked Pakistan Army Public School in Peshawar killed 153 people, most of whom were students.
After the attack against terror across the country, several measures have been taken in the preparation of the National Action Plan, faster operations against terrorists and also removed the ban on executions.

Karryyun the Pakistan Institute for Security Studies reported from January to March decline in terrorist attacks.

Cast lens of prejudice

When it was announced that the China Economic Corridor project, has begun strange spectacle. According to the demands of their minds are engaged in interpretations.
پاکستانی معیشت کے لیے یہ منصوبہ انتہائی اہم ہے، اور اسے لسانی اور علاقائی تعصبات کی نذر نہیں کرنا چاہیے۔ — اے ایف پی

The first problem is that everyone understands that a street, where it will pass through, growth will start automatically. The Council is in the minds of people that the 'street' of the province, the city, the neighborhood and the street will pass, it will change the fate of the region, so everyone wearing their growth hopes is.

Points out that the motorway route maps on the Internet Gwadar, Turbat, Balochistan, Karachi, Hyderabad, Ratodero, Rajan Pur, Jampur, Dera Ghazi Khan, Multan, Lahore, Peshawar, havelis, and the Abbottabad will pass from the Highway nearby cities will be connected to the main route, the route to Central Asia and China will again.
— گرافک بشکریہ pmln.us

Saying the project is a game-changer, but our politicians and journalists inciting ethnic and regional discrimination as well as self-interested and have started analyst recommendation. That's why we put the lens of prejudice Gwadar, Turbat, Balochistan from Pakistan, Hyderabad and Punjab Rato Dero and Dera Ghazi Khan, Rajan Pur, Multan and Lahore as part of the throne are shown.

For several days this route is noise. Almost every party some point it looks annoyed, and demand that is custom configured to route them.

Small provincial parties neck but a few days before the party leaders are insisting that a TV program economic corridor route should pass through their town Mianwali. This is happening. This is the thinking? The only problem is the ancestral seat?

'Maya' will spread fear this year

The actor and director Jawad Bashir full of fear and terror of the film 'Maya' was released the first official trailer, movie theaters, the colors will increase this year.

Story farmhouse near the cemetery in the holiday revolves around the friends, who sit desecrated a grave error and evil witch 'Maya' are caught in a net.

Pakistan's young new actors in the film are seen the essence of his art, Abdul Rahman Ahmad, Salman Jawad, Zain Afzal, Sheikh Mohammad Ahmad, and Rashid Ali Malik while Anum Bashir and Ali Jawad as a guest star in the film Sunset will shine.

Lovely full of thrill this film shown in cinemas this year, will take over the firm.

Bill Gates's predictions proved true

Washington: Microsoft founder Bill Gates in 1999, a book Business @ the speed of ideas' was published with the title.
مائیکروسافٹ کے بانی بل گیٹس۔ —. فائل فوٹو اے ایف پی

This bold manner in which he had some predictions, which were known at the time the eldest of mjzub, but now most of them have been proven true.

Here we discuss the future of these predictions is presented, including members of our society are also benefiting.

Web sites to compare prices

Bill Gates said that in the next few years, the price comparison websites will be prepared and it is true. There are now so many websites where you can compare the price of your desired product and thus minimize the price you can choose the product of your choice.

Mobile Devices

Bill Gates said that would be given to such devices, through which people will be able to find all kind of news without a computer. Booking their flights through the device will not be able, even through it may also be shopping.

Online at home

Bill Gates predicted in this regard have been completed, and it is supported on your home and must constantly put webcam footage can get. This feature is also available online.

Social Media

Bill Gates said that would be given to such Web sites, through which your friends, relatives and acquaintances will be able to stay in touch all the time, will be able to interact with them and planning events will be. Today, Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber and facilities are in the form of Instagram.

Online job portal

Job portal for online job also Bill Gates had predicted, which are before us today as job sites. Is now online jobs and online information you can also apply for a job.

Nepal, Pakistan, the birth of

Nepal Kathmandu last month after the earthquake Pakistan Army field hospital set up in the name of the child born in Pakistan, has been kept.
فیلڈ ہسپتال میں پیدا ہونے والے بچے کو وہاں موجود پاکستانی ڈاکٹرز نے اٹھایا ہوا ہے— آئی ایس پی آر فوٹو

Army Public Relations (ISPR), according to the field hospital was named the second child born in Pakistan, has been kept.

According to media reports, the first child born in the field of hospital, Lahore, was placed
However, in Nepal on April 24 killed in the 7.8 magnitude earthquake has increased the number of seven thousand of the 10 thousand are injured.
Nepal's army chief on Tuesday also visited a field hospital during which he said that Nepal, Pakistan's assistance in this difficult time will always be remembered.

Proven fraud, the re-election in NA-125

Famous: Election Tribunal NA NA 125 and PP-155 of the Assembly election to be rigged re-election is ordered.
پاکستان تحریک انصاف کے حامد خان نے اس حلقے سے مسلم لیگ (ن) کے خواجہ سعد رفیق کی اہلیت کو چیلنج کر رکھا تھا—۔فائل فوٹو

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Hamid Khan for NA-125 PML-N had challenged the eligibility of Saad.

PP-155 while the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (N) Mian Naseer Ahmed was elected.
The hearing took place on Monday, during which the election tribunal has reserved its decision, the tribunal rigged elections later proved to be ordered to re-election in two constituencies.

With this order, the NA 125 Railway Minister Saad Naseer Ahmed Mian and PP 125 was ineligible.
Election Tribunal repeat elections in these constituencies within one month of the order is issued.

NA 125 million 23 thousand 416 votes with Saad was successful, the PTI Hamid Khan was defeated by about 39 hzaruutun.
Hamdkan the election petition filed against the Saad said.

UK: Pakistani High Commission in serious financial irregularities

Islamabad: Pakistan's High Commission in London by federal auditors and the Pakistani consulates in other cities in the UK in serious financial and administrative irregularities identified.
لندن میں پاکستانی ہائی کمیشن کی عمارت کا ایک منظر۔ —. فائل فوٹو

Pakistani High Commission and Birmingham, Bradford and Manchester consulates in the 2012-13 audit and evaluation reports to be seen if anyone will say that the Pakistani mission was in capable hands.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was taken from the report being presented to the National Assembly is ready, under which these irregularities lose precious foreign exchange to the public exchequer and Pakistani immigrants living in Britain was upset.
Federal auditors report significant anomalies described in millions of British pounds unauthorized expenses, visa and passports astkrz disappearance, and without the necessary authorization krnasaml buildings are rented.
The auditors reported that the serial numbers in an event VGA to VGA 811680 811700 twenty of visa stickers were found missing from the official record.

US: 2 killed during the Muhammad cartoon exhibition

Texas: Texas out of an art center 2 killed by police gunfire.
ٹیکساس پولیس نے کرٹس کل ویل سینٹر کے سامنے کی سڑک بلاک کر رکھی ہے—۔فوٹو/ رائٹرز

According to Reuters news agency at the Art Center of the Prophet Muhammad cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad had been exhibited.
According to police, the incident occurred around 7 pm Sunday when the Dallas suburb of Garland North East Centre in Val Curtis of blasphemous caricatures were released
Denmark visibility and anti-Islam politician Geert uldrz campaigners were invited speakers..
According to police, the victims could not be identified whether or not they were opponents of the exhibition.
City police spokesman told Reuters that the ham "I do not know who they were, except that they were lying dead on the street".

However, the risk of the presence of any explosives in the car of the suspects have been searched.
According to police, two armed men on Sunday arrived in his vehicle in front of the Arts Centre and the "Mohammad art exhibition and competition" was coming to an end, they opened fire on a security officer, the police returned fire resulting in Garland the two gunmen were killed.

Security officer wounded in the local hospital were discharged after treatment.
The exhibition of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI O) was conducted on behalf of the President Pamela Geller. His organization "Heat Group" (hate group) across the country, which is known for its anti-Islam campaign runs.

According to the organizers of this exhibition is to promote freedom of expression.
The Muslim Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to reflect any category is blasphemy.
A French magazine Charlie hybdu political humor 2011 also blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), which was published on the cover of its office had also been attacked by fayrbmun, then this magazine ISIS Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was the tweet.

PIA pilot ayyrsyfty compromise, passenger endangered

Karachi: Pakistan International Airlines, a senior and highly influential enough to cause a serious risk to the pilot, he crossed the Atlantic carrying long-haul flights were operating without the necessary rest, which caused more than 350 passengers lives were endangered.
۔ —. فائل فوٹو رائٹرز

Sources nyayyrsyfty national flagship airlines did not check the violations, while PIA spokesman claimed that the incident occurred in the first week of April will be a full inquiry.
The sources said the pilot Qasim has been no disciplinary action against life. PIA despite the lapse of three weeks of inquiry are not present information to the media.
Ayyrsyfty to compromise on sources that did not happen the first time such an incident, another pilot earlier Amir Hashmi had violated almost twice that.
He added that no disciplinary action is taken against them which could endanger the lives of air travelers for the other pilots were encouraging.
Qasim said the pilot of Life (ID No. 38790) was satisfactory and exemplary record so far.
PIA director of flight operations when they were in office, he's twenty-four hour rest Amir Hashmi law violations twice took no disciplinary action against them.

Sunday 3 May 2015

What a mummy's boy! My Kitchen Rules' Steve Flood spends quality time with his parents as they arrive from the UK to support him during the reality show finale

What a mummy's boy! My Kitchen Rules' Steve Flood spends quality time with his parents as they arrive from the UK to support him during the reality show finale

His family and friends in the UK have been eagerly watching his progress alongside Will Stewart on Australia's My Kitchen Rules, from the other side of the world.
And as the finale of the hit Seven show airs on Monday night, lothario Steve Flood, who is now dating wellness blogger, Caroline Groth, looked over the moon to have his parents with him Down Under.
While the Essex lad has proved to be quite a hit with the ladies during his time on the show, it was clear that his mum is the most important woman in his life as they enjoyed some time together in Sydney.
Mummy's boy: As the finale of My Kitchen Rules airs on Monday night, lothario Steve Flood, who is now dating wellness blogger, Caroline Groth, looked over the moon to have his parents with him in Down Under
Mummy's boy: As the finale of My Kitchen Rules airs on Monday night, lothario Steve Flood, who is now dating wellness blogger, Caroline Groth, looked over the moon to have his parents with him in Down Under
Wearing an ‘Obey’ hat Steve, who has been linked to four different women during his time on MKR, put a protective arm around his mum as she giggled at one of his jokes.
Speaking to Daily Mail Australia last month, Steve revealed how close he is to his parents and spoke about how he feels to have been dubbed the ladies man of the show.
He said: 'My mum and dad are watching the show very closely. 
Close: Speaking to Daily Mail Australia last month, Steve revealed how close he is to his parents and spoke about how he feels to have been dubbed the ladies man of the show
Close: Speaking to Daily Mail Australia last month, Steve revealed how close he is to his parents and spoke about how he feels to have been dubbed the ladies man of the show
'They don’t get stressed out by these kinds of silly little things. They know who I am and what I do and what I believe in and that’s the most important thing to me.
‘I will never get upset about the million and a half people, who are getting really pent up and upset by what I do. I just care about my friends and family.'
Wearing a grey T-shirt, jeans and burgundy trainers Steve looked animated as he chatted to his dad as they all sat on a step together.
Quality time: While the Essex lad has proved to be quite a hit with the ladies during his time on the show, it was clear that his mum is the most important woman in his life as they enjoyed some time together in Sydney
Quality time: While the Essex lad has proved to be quite a hit with the ladies during his time on the show, it was clear that his mum is the most important woman in his life as they enjoyed some time together in Sydney
His parents meanwhile looked equally casual with his mum donning a pair of three-quarter length trousers and floral top.
His dad meanwhile looked stylish in a navy stripped T-Shirt and beige shorts.
Sensible Steve made sure he was ready for a potential downpour as he walked along with a large umbrella that would be big enough to cover all three of them should there be a sudden storm.
Keeping dry: Sensible Steve made sure he was ready for a potential downpour as he walked along with a large umbrella that would be big enough to cover all three of them should there be a sudden storm
Keeping dry: Sensible Steve made sure he was ready for a potential downpour as he walked along with a large umbrella that would be big enough to cover all three of them should there be a sudden storm
It was no doubt a welcome break for the 31-year-old year old since tensions have been running high as the show comes to a close.
Last week a usually relaxed Steve and Will lashed out at Ash Pollard and Camilla Counsel for their lack of manners.
The posh totties are known for their finest cuisine and well-spoken accents, but the Essex Boys said it was just a facade and are convinced they could teach them 'a thing or two' about etiquette thanks to their strict upbringing.
Some down time: It was no doubt a welcome break for the 31-year-old year old since tensions have been running high as the show comes to a close
Some down time: It was no doubt a welcome break for the 31-year-old year old since tensions have been running high as the show comes to a close
Speaking again to the Daily Mail Australia on Friday, Steve said: 'The girls talk about etiquette but didn't show none. We've been very humble throughout the show.'
Steve and Will - who beat the girls to the final last week - admitted they've been very helpful towards the other teams throughout the show but Ash and Camilla were just in it for themselves. 
He said: 'We've done everything we can to help other teams and we've been by the sides of other teams helping them fillet fish, we've done some planning for people...' 
Strict: Steve has said he could teach some of the contestants a thing or two about manner due to his strict upbringing
Strict: Steve has said he could teach some of the contestants a thing or two about manner due to his strict upbringing
New love: Steve is currently dating wellness blogger, Caroline Groth who he was pictured here with recently
New love: Steve is currently dating wellness blogger, Caroline Groth who he was pictured here with recently
'We've been selfless in that regard. We trusted the fact that we could possibly be strong enough and I'm not sure Ash and Camilla were as sharing as we were with knowledge and their time,' he added. 
Steve admitted that he and Will, who reside in Manly, New South Wales, were raised by strict families and had manners drilled in to them every day. 
He said: 'We were brought up in very strict families where manners were absolutely at the ear tube.' 
'There was no crossing your arms at the dinner table or dropping the left arm and not using a knife. Manners are very important to us. We could teach the girls a thing or two.’