Monday 4 May 2015

Bill Gates's predictions proved true

Washington: Microsoft founder Bill Gates in 1999, a book Business @ the speed of ideas' was published with the title.
مائیکروسافٹ کے بانی بل گیٹس۔ —. فائل فوٹو اے ایف پی

This bold manner in which he had some predictions, which were known at the time the eldest of mjzub, but now most of them have been proven true.

Here we discuss the future of these predictions is presented, including members of our society are also benefiting.

Web sites to compare prices

Bill Gates said that in the next few years, the price comparison websites will be prepared and it is true. There are now so many websites where you can compare the price of your desired product and thus minimize the price you can choose the product of your choice.

Mobile Devices

Bill Gates said that would be given to such devices, through which people will be able to find all kind of news without a computer. Booking their flights through the device will not be able, even through it may also be shopping.

Online at home

Bill Gates predicted in this regard have been completed, and it is supported on your home and must constantly put webcam footage can get. This feature is also available online.

Social Media

Bill Gates said that would be given to such Web sites, through which your friends, relatives and acquaintances will be able to stay in touch all the time, will be able to interact with them and planning events will be. Today, Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber and facilities are in the form of Instagram.

Online job portal

Job portal for online job also Bill Gates had predicted, which are before us today as job sites. Is now online jobs and online information you can also apply for a job.

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