Tuesday 5 May 2015

Iran 'vicious Hair style' ban

TEHRAN: Iran said that non-traditional forms of hair and pointy officials banned them because the devil has given the impression of prstar'huny.

۔ — فائل فوٹو

In recent years, Iran every class of young, innovative and different hair styles are very famous pointy. However, the West and the Islamic concept of fashion while opinion is divided on this.

Hjamun Iran's ISNA news agency reported, citing the union's president, Mustafa testified that, based on the worship of devils Hair Styles has been banned.
The next such heroes to style Islamic laws will be considered and took action against the hjamun their licenses will be canceled.

ISNA report and further build upon the body of the guys getting grassroot eyebrows trend will not be tolerated.
Mustafa blamed unlicensed hjamun implies that the 'non-licensed barber usually do this job. All of them have been identified and action would be taken soon.

The union that represents hjamun men from the women's organization hjamun O pin

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