Wednesday 29 April 2015

'Katie Hopkins treats her fans better than Jessie J': Singer angers her fans AGAIN after unfollowing all of them on Twitter

'Katie Hopkins treats her fans better than Jessie J': Singer angers her fans AGAIN after unfollowing all of them on Twitter

Looks like Jessie J has managed to anger her loyal fans again.
The singer took to Twitter this week to defend her choice to unfollow all of her fan base.
When those followers discovered the snub they took to Twitter to share their upset, to which she replied: 'My love and respect for anyone isn't based in a follow (sic)'
Snub: Jessie J angers fans by unfollowing them all on Twitter
Snub: Jessie J angers fans by unfollowing them all on Twitter
Rant: She tweeted, and deleted, posts complaining about her fans' reactions
Rant: She tweeted, and deleted, posts complaining about her fans' reactions
'I didn't unfollow just all my fans. Please stop trying [to] create bad energy, I unfollowed half my followers..'
She added: 'And when my thumb can be bothered I will unfollow the other half. Seriously guys.'
Twitter wasn't happy though, with one person tweeting: 'I won't lie, it's disappointing that @JessieJ unfollowed her fans including the ones who have been there since the start.

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